Our clients

Accelerating growth for CEOs and Founders

We have a richness of experience across the tech and SaaS verticals. Here’s what our clients say about us.

Introducing Blinkist to the B2B Market—with a Bang

We re-engineered Blinkist’s LinkedIn presence to attract B2B customers, successfully generating reliable leads, meetings, and new customers.

Driving Series A Success through LinkedIn Optimization and Targeted Networking

We partnered with Lukas Heinzmann, CEO at Gyde to build strategic connections and unlock new sustainable growth channels that helped them on their way to securing Series A funding.

From sceptic to signed business within two weeks

Working in partnership, we transformed Vispa's LinkedIn strategy, increasing visibility and generating substantial sales through targeted networking and optimized communication.

Amplifying Tech Leadership: A LinkedIn Transformation at Fabula Games

Fabula Games, a leader in the “serious” games space (games that focus on educating and informing the player), multiplied its LinkedIn presence and secured regular quality leads through our targeted profile enhancement and networking strategies—fundamentally changing their sales approach.